He leido hoy en el diario METRO http://www.metro.co.uk/ a fecha 11/11/2008. La verdad uqe usamos el Facebook para todo y mira también los chorizo se dedican a usarlo.Yo por mi parte seguiré usandolo, pero vaya vaya.

Facebook ’ friends ’ hijacked in scan
CYBER criminals are hijacking Facebook accounts and trying to con money by posing as friends in need.
The use the victim’s social networking page as if it were their own – then e-mail their friends with a plausible sob story asking for cash.
The con trick is a sophisticated new twinst on the spam e-mail from Africa asking for a handout or for bank account details. And last night, it had computer experts warning that popular people with lots of Facebook friends could expect to be targeted. The scam came to light when one Facebook user, Google employee Karina Wells, received a message supposedly from her friend, Adrian.
He said he was stranded in Nigeria and needed 220 Pounds for aticket home.
The sacanner wrote in good English but used words such as ‘cell phone’ instead od ‘monile phone’, which made his instended victim suspicious.
‘I pretended that I would help, obtained all the details of where he was and forwarded then to Facebook’ said Mr Wells , from Sydney.
Another Facebook apam attack gets victims to open a virus by suggesting they have been spotted doing something embarrassing in a photo.
Ghaham Culey, of security firm Sophos, said: ‘Facebook has opened a people up to a lot of new threats. The more friends you have, the greater the risk.’
Facebook, with has 8 millions British users, said: ‘Only a small percentage of users have been affected by recent spam attacks. We are updating our security systems.
CYBER criminals are hijacking Facebook accounts and trying to con money by posing as friends in need.
The use the victim’s social networking page as if it were their own – then e-mail their friends with a plausible sob story asking for cash.
The con trick is a sophisticated new twinst on the spam e-mail from Africa asking for a handout or for bank account details. And last night, it had computer experts warning that popular people with lots of Facebook friends could expect to be targeted. The scam came to light when one Facebook user, Google employee Karina Wells, received a message supposedly from her friend, Adrian.
He said he was stranded in Nigeria and needed 220 Pounds for aticket home.
The sacanner wrote in good English but used words such as ‘cell phone’ instead od ‘monile phone’, which made his instended victim suspicious.
‘I pretended that I would help, obtained all the details of where he was and forwarded then to Facebook’ said Mr Wells , from Sydney.
Another Facebook apam attack gets victims to open a virus by suggesting they have been spotted doing something embarrassing in a photo.
Ghaham Culey, of security firm Sophos, said: ‘Facebook has opened a people up to a lot of new threats. The more friends you have, the greater the risk.’
Facebook, with has 8 millions British users, said: ‘Only a small percentage of users have been affected by recent spam attacks. We are updating our security systems.
1 comentario:
Ai pedro, lo siento pero no me he puesto a traducir el texto..estoy de un perezoso, y ademas hoy me han dado por el....los de la penedret, ya te contare pq estoy muy cabreada, parece ser q ahora me empiezan a salir la ira que no sabia q estaba en mi interior y mira me servira para ver las cosas tal y como son, ya sabes d quien hablo...
Y nada, siento haver interrumpido tu actuacion jajaja...quiero ver fotos eh!!
molts petonets i fins molt aviattt :P
Por cierto a mi el facebook cada dia me gusta menos, pq a los que quiero y quiero ver ya lo hago por otros medios...pero bueno tmb saps pq ho dic...
Aishhh que te ralluu...venga olee...
molts petoneeteesss
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